Published 3月 25, 2019 by with 0 comment

Elastic Load Balancing - Notes - 01 - Brief

AWS > Networking & Content Delivery > Elastic Load Balancing (ELB):

Type of Load Balancers:
1. Application Load Balancer: For load balancing of HTTP and HTTPS traffic. They operate at L7 and are application-aware.
2. Network Load Balancer: For load balancing of TCP traffic where extreme performance is required. Operating at the connection Level (L4).
3. Classic Load Balancer: The legacy Elastic Load Balancers. You can load balance HTTP/HTTPS applications and use L7 specific features, such as X-Forwarded and sticky session. You can also use strict L4 load balancing for applications that rely purely on the TCP protocol.

504 Error: The gateway has timed out. This means that the application not responding within the idle timeout period. It is the WEB or database server issue.

X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header : The public IPv4 address of you end user.

1. AWS Documentation - Elastic Load Balancing:

2. Udemy - AWS Solutions Architect - Associate:

最初發表 / 最後更新: 2019.03.25 / 2020.06.09

