Published 1月 10, 2020 by with 0 comment

Amazon RDS - Notes - 01 - Brief

AWS > Database > Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS):

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a managed service that makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud.

Amazon RDS supports DB engines:
1. Amazon Aurora
2. SQL Server
3. MySQL
4. MariaDB
5. Oracle
6. PostgreSQL

1. RDS run in virtual machines.
2. Amazon RDS supports access to databases using any standard SQL client application. Amazon RDS does not allow direct host access.
3. Patching of the RDS OS and DB is Amazon's responsibility.
4. RDS is NOT serverless.
5. Aurora Serverless is serverless.

Online Transaction Processing (OLTP):
It designed to serve as a persistent state store for front-end applications. They excel at quickly looking up specific information as well as transactional procedures like INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
OLTP is done with Amazon RDS.
OLTP example:
Order number 12345, pulls up a row of data such as Name, Data, Address to deliver to and Delivery status.

Online Analytics Processing(OLAP):
In contrast to an OLTP database, an OLAP database is designed to process large datasets quickly to answer questions about data.
Common use cases for an OLAP database are:
What’s the customer lifetime value of my e-commerce application?
What’s the median duration of play time for my mobile game?
What’s the conversion rate for various landing pages based on the referrer?

1. AWS Documentation - Amazon RDS User Guide:

2. Udemy - AWS Solutions Architect - Associate:

最初發表 / 最後更新: 2020.01.10 / 2020.06.09

