Published 1月 10, 2020 by with 0 comment

Amazon RDS - Notes - 02 - Backup

AWS > Database > Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS):

There are two different types of backups for RDS
1. Automated Backups
2. Database Snapshots

Automated Backups:
1. Amazon RDS creates and saves automated backups of your DB instance. Amazon RDS creates a storage volume snapshot of your DB instance, backing up the entire DB instance and not just individual databases.
2. The backup period can be between 1 and 35 days.
3. Automated Backups are enables by default.
4. Automated Backups will take a full daily snspshot and will also store transaction logs throughout the day.
5. The backup date is stored in S3 and you get FREE storage space equal to the size of your database.
6. Backup are taken within a defined window time.

Database Snapshots:
1. DB Snapshots are done manually.
2. Database Snapshots are stored even after you delete the original RDS instance, unlike automated backups

Restoring from a DB Snapshot:

Whenever you restore either an Automated Backups or manual Database Snapshots, the restored version of the database will be a new RDS instance with a new DNS endpoint.

1. AWS Documentation - Backing Up and Restoring Amazon RDS DB Instances:

2. Udemy - AWS Solutions Architect - Associate:

最初發表 / 最後更新: 2020.01.10 / 2020.06.09

