另存為ex32.py. 我附上中文注釋方便好讀.
# 設定列表(list), 注意!字符要用'號包起來. the_count = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] fruits = ['apples', 'oranges', 'pears', 'apricots'] change = [1, 'pennies', 2, 'dimes', 3, 'quarters'] # 用for 循環, 把列表內的東西由左到右分次提出來. # this first kind of for-loop goes through a list for number in the_count: print(f"This is count {number}") # same as above for fruit in fruits: print (f"A fruit of type: {fruit}") # also we can go through mixed lists too # notice we have to use {} since we don't know what's in it for i in change: print(f"I got {i}") # 我們也可以先建一個空列表. # We can also build list, first start with an empty one elements = [] # 然後用range, 依次把0-6放進列表. # then use the range function to do 0 to 5 counts for i in range (0, 6): print(f"Add {i} to the list.") # append是把新增的東西添加在列表的尾末. # append is a function that list understand elements.append(i) # 最後用for把列表elements印出來. # now we can print them out too for i in elements: print(f"Element was {i}")
然後用Windows的cmd, 執行python.
C:\Windows\System32>cd C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\Python\LP3THW C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\Python\LP3THW>python ex32.py This is count 1 This is count 2 This is count 3 This is count 4 This is count 5 A fruit of type: apples A fruit of type: oranges A fruit of type: pears A fruit of type: apricots I got 1 I got pennies I got 2 I got dimes I got 3 I got quarters Add 0 to the list. Add 1 to the list. Add 2 to the list. Add 3 to the list. Add 4 to the list. Add 5 to the list. Element was 0 Element was 1 Element was 2 Element was 3 Element was 4 Element was 5 C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\Python\LP3THW>
最初發表 / 最後更新: 2018.09.10 / 2018.09.10