While 跟 if 類似, 但while下面的程式碼會不止執行一次,
另存為ex33.py. 我附上中文注釋方便好讀.
# 先設定i值為0, 再設定一個numbers空列表. i = 0 numbers = [] while i < 6: # 第一次執行時, i = 0 print(f"At the top i is {i}") # 然後把0用append 加入numbers列表, # 必要時, 可在這加入下面這一行, #print(">>> i = ", i, "and numbers list = ", numbers, "\n") # 來看此時的i與numbers值 numbers.append(i) # 然後 i = 0 + 1 = 1 i = i + 1 # 第一次執行時, numbers列表內有個0 print("Number now: ", numbers) # 第一次執行到這時 i = 1 print(f"At the bottom i is {i}") print ("The numbers: ") # 執行6次後 (0 - 5), numbers列表內有[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # 然後用for循環依次印出來 for num in numbers: print(num)
然後用Windows的cmd, 執行python.
C:\Windows\System32>cd C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\Python\LP3THW C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\Python\LP3THW>python ex33.py At the top i is 0 Number now: [0] At the bottom i is 1 At the top i is 1 Number now: [0, 1] At the bottom i is 2 At the top i is 2 Number now: [0, 1, 2] At the bottom i is 3 At the top i is 3 Number now: [0, 1, 2, 3] At the bottom i is 4 At the top i is 4 Number now: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] At the bottom i is 5 At the top i is 5 Number now: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] At the bottom i is 6 The numbers: 0 1 2 3 4 5 C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\Python\LP3THW>
最初發表 / 最後更新: 2018.09.11 / 2018.09.11