Data volume: In Docker host, the folder or document can be mount to container file system.
There are two types data volume: bind mount and docker managed volume.
This lab will introduce the bind mount.
1. Let's create a file index.html at /home/peter/htdocs
peter@peter-KVM:~$ mkdir htdocs peter@peter-KVM:~$ cd htdocs/ peter@peter-KVM:~/htdocs$ echo 'Version1' > index.html peter@peter-KVM:~/htdocs$ peter@peter-KVM:~/htdocs$ cat /home/peter/htdocs/index.html Version1 peter@peter-KVM:~/htdocs$
2. Run a container httpd and bind mount the index.html file.
peter@peter-KVM:~$ docker run -d -p 80:80 -v ~/htdocs:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs httpd c5dac4450290d19c4e9cc083a52a0bf41c50f2ce8b7cb58e62a0d4f6e6ebcb90 peter@peter-KVM:~$
3. Verify, we will see the container file is replaced by docker host file.
peter@peter-KVM:~$ curl Version1 peter@peter-KVM:~$
4. Changing the host file and the container file will be changed too.
peter@peter-KVM:~$ echo "Update version2" > /home/peter/htdocs/index.html peter@peter-KVM:~$ peter@peter-KVM:~$ curl Update version2 peter@peter-KVM:~$
5. Stop an remove the container, the docker host file still exist.
peter@peter-KVM:~$ docker stop c5dac4450290d19c c5dac4450290d19c peter@peter-KVM:~$ peter@peter-KVM:~$ docker rm c5dac4450290d19c c5dac4450290d19c peter@peter-KVM:~$ peter@peter-KVM:~$ cat /home/peter/htdocs/index.html Update version2 peter@peter-KVM:~$
1. Use bind mounts
最初發表 / 最後更新: 2019.06.01 / 2019.06.01