Published 10月 15, 2021 by with 0 comment

GCP ACE Lab 03 - Getting Started with Cloud Storage and Cloud SQL

In this lab, you create a Cloud Storage bucket and place an image in it. You'll also configure an application running in Compute Engine to use a database managed by Cloud SQL. For this lab, you will configure a web server with PHP, a web development environment that is the basis for popular blogging software. Outside this lab, you will use analogous techniques to configure these packages.
You also configure the web server to reference the image in the Cloud Storage bucket.

In this lab, you learn how to perform the following tasks:
1. Create a Cloud Storage bucket and place an image into it.
2. Create a Cloud SQL instance and configure it.
3. Connect to the Cloud SQL instance from a web server.
4. Use the image in the Cloud Storage bucket on a web page.

This lab is from Qwiklabs.

Task 1: Sign in to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Console

Task 2: Deploy a web server VM instance
1. In the GCP Console, on the Navigation menu, click Compute Engine > VM instances.

2. Click Create Instance.

3. On the Create an Instance page, for Name, type bloghost

4. For Region and Zone, select the region and zone assigned by Qwiklabs.

5. For Machine type, accept the default.

6. For Boot disk, if the Image shown is not Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch), click Change and select Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch).

7. Leave the defaults for Identity and API access unmodified.

8. For Firewall, click Allow HTTP traffic.

9. Click Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy to open that section of the dialog.

10. Enter the following script as the value for Startup script:
apt-get update
apt-get install apache2 php php-mysql -y
service apache2 restart
Be sure to supply that script as the value of the Startup script field. If you accidentally put it into another field, it won't be executed when the VM instance starts.

11. Leave the remaining settings as their defaults, and click Create.

Instance can take about two minutes to launch and be fully available for use.

12. On the VM instances page, copy the bloghost VM instance's internal and external IP addresses to a text editor for use later in this lab.

Task 3: Create a Cloud Storage bucket using the gsutil command line
All Cloud Storage bucket names must be globally unique. To ensure that your bucket name is unique, these instructions will guide you to give your bucket the same name as your Cloud Platform project ID, which is also globally unique.

Cloud Storage buckets can be associated with either a region or a multi-region location: US, EU, or ASIA. In this activity, you associate your bucket with the multi-region closest to the region and zone that Qwiklabs or your instructor assigned you to.

1. On the Google Cloud Platform menu, click Activate Cloud Shell Activate Cloud Shell. If a dialog box appears, click Continue.

2. For convenience, enter your chosen location into an environment variable called LOCATION. Enter one of these commands:

3. In Cloud Shell, the DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID environment variable contains your project ID. Enter this command to make a bucket named after your project ID:
If prompted, click Authorize to continue.

4. Retrieve a banner image from a publicly accessible Cloud Storage location:
gsutil cp gs://cloud-training/gcpfci/my-excellent-blog.png my-excellent-blog.png

5. Copy the banner image to your newly created Cloud Storage bucket:
gsutil cp my-excellent-blog.png gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID/my-excellent-blog.png

6. Modify the Access Control List of the object you just created so that it is readable by everyone:
gsutil acl ch -u allUsers:R gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID/my-excellent-blog.png

Task 4: Create the Cloud SQL instance
1. In the GCP Console, on the Navigation menu, click SQL.

2. Click Create instance.

3. For Choose a database engine, select MySQL.

4. For Instance ID, type blog-db, and for Root password type a password of your choice.
Choose a password that you remember. There's no need to obscure the password because you'll use mechanisms to connect that aren't open access to everyone.

5. Select Single zone and set the region and zone assigned by Qwiklabs.
This is the same region and zone into which you launched the bloghost instance. The best performance is achieved by placing the client and the database close to each other.

6. Click Create Instance.

Wait for the instance to finish deploying. It will take a few minutes.

7. Click on the name of the instance, blog-db, to open its details page.

8. From the SQL instances details page, copy the Public IP address for your SQL instance to a text editor for use later in this lab.

9. Click on Users menu on the left-hand side, and then click ADD USER ACCOUNT.

10. For User name, type blogdbuser

11. For Password, type a password of your choice. Make a note of it.

12. Click ADD to add the user account in the database.

Wait for the user to be created.

13. Click the Connections tab, and then click Add network.

If you are offered the choice between a Private IP connection and a Public IP connection, choose Public IP for purposes of this lab. The Private IP feature is in beta at the time this lab was written.

The Add network button may be grayed out if the user account creation is not yet complete.

14. For Name, type web front end

15. For Network, type the external IP address of your bloghost VM instance, followed by /32
The result will look like this:
Be sure to use the external IP address of your VM instance followed by /32. Do not use the VM instance's internal IP address. Do not use the sample IP address shown here.

16. Click Done to finish defining the authorized network.

17. Click Save to save the configuration change.
Note: If the message appears like Another operation is in progress, wait for few minutes until you see the green check for blog-db to save the configuration.

Task 5: Configure an application in a Compute Engine instance to use Cloud SQL
1. On the Navigation menu, click Compute Engine > VM instances.

2. In the VM instances list, click SSH in the row for your VM instance bloghost.

3. In your ssh session on bloghost, change your working directory to the document root of the web server:
cd /var/www/html

4. Use the nano text editor to edit a file called index.php:
sudo nano index.php

5. Paste the content below into the file:
<head><title>Welcome to my excellent blog</title></head>
<h1>Welcome to my excellent blog</h1>
 $dbserver = "CLOUDSQLIP";
$dbuser = "blogdbuser";
$dbpassword = "DBPASSWORD";
// In a production blog, we would not store the MySQL
// password in the document root. Instead, we would store it in a
// configuration file elsewhere on the web server VM instance.
$conn = new mysqli($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpassword);
if (mysqli_connect_error()) {
        echo ("Database connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());
} else {
        echo ("Database connection succeeded.");
In the nano text editor, replace CLOUDSQLIP with the Cloud SQL instance Public IP address that you noted above. Leave the quotation marks around the value in place.
In the nano text editor, replace DBPASSWORD with the Cloud SQL database password that you defined above. Leave the quotation marks around the value in place.

6. Press Ctrl+O, and then press Enter to save your edited file.

7. Press Ctrl+X to exit the nano text editor.

8. Restart the web server:
sudo service apache2 restart

9. Open a new web browser tab and paste into the address bar your bloghost VM instance's external IP address followed by /index.php. The URL will look like this:
Be sure to use the external IP address of your VM instance followed by /index.php. Do not use the VM instance's internal IP address. Do not use the sample IP address shown here.

10. When you load the page, the following message appears:
Database connection succeeded.
In an actual blog, the database connection status would not be visible to blog visitors. Instead, the database connection would be managed solely by the administrator.

Task 6: Configure an application in a Compute Engine instance to use a Cloud Storage object
1. In the GCP Console, click Cloud Storage > Browser.

2. Click on the bucket that is named after your GCP project.

3. In this bucket, there is an object called my-excellent-blog.png. Copy the URL behind the link icon that appears in that object's Public access column, or behind the words "Public link" if shown.

If you see neither a link icon nor a "Public link", try refreshing the browser. If you still do not see a link icon, return to Cloud Shell and confirm that your attempt to change the object's Access Control list with the gsutil acl ch command was successful.

4. Return to your ssh session on your bloghost VM instance.

5. Enter this command to set your working directory to the document root of the web server:
cd /var/www/html

6. Use the nano text editor to edit index.php:
sudo nano index.php

7. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the line that contains the h1 element. Press Enter to open up a new, blank screen line, and then paste the URL you copied earlier into the line.

8. Paste this HTML markup immediately before the URL:
<img src='

9. Place a closing single quotation mark and a closing angle bracket at the end of the URL:
The resulting line will look like this:

<img src=''>
The effect of these steps is to place the line containing <img src='...'> immediately before the line containing <h1>...</h1>

Do not copy the URL shown here. Instead, copy the URL shown by the Storage browser in your own Cloud Platform project.

10. Press Ctrl+O, and then press Enter to save your edited file.

11. Press Ctrl+X to exit the nano text editor.

12. Restart the web server:
sudo service apache2 restart

13. Return to the web browser tab in which you opened your bloghost VM instance's external IP address. When you load the page, its content now includes a banner image.

In this lab, you configured a Cloud SQL instance and connected an application in a Compute Engine instance to it. You also worked with a Cloud Storage bucket.

1. Qwiklabs

2. Google Cloud Certification - Associate Cloud Engineer

3. Read the Google Cloud Platform documentation on Cloud SQL.

4. Read the Google Cloud Platform documentation on Cloud Storage.

最初發表 / 最後更新: 2021.10.15 / 2021.10.15

