Published 10月 11, 2021 by with 0 comment

GCP ACE Lab 01 - Getting Started with Cloud Marketplace

In this lab, you use Cloud Marketplace to quickly and easily deploy a LAMP stack on a Compute Engine instance. The Bitnami LAMP Stack provides a complete web development environment for Linux that can be launched in one click.

In this lab, you learn how to launch a solution using Cloud Marketplace.

This lab is from Qwiklabs.

Task 1: Sign in to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Console

Task 2: Use Cloud Marketplace to deploy a LAMP stack
In the GCP Console, on the Navigation menu (Navigation menu), click Marketplace.

In the search bar, type LAMP
In the search results, click LAMP Certified by Bitnami.
If you choose another LAMP stack, such as the Google Click to Deploy offering, the lab instructions will not work as expected.

On the LAMP page, click Launch.
If this is your first time using Compute Engine, the Compute Engine API must be initialized before you can continue.
For Zone, select the deployment zone that Qwiklabs assigned to you.
Leave the remaining settings as their defaults.

If you are prompted to accept the GCP Marketplace Terms of Service, do so.
Click Deploy.

If a Welcome to Deployment Manager message appears, click Close to dismiss it.
The status of the deployment appears in the console window: lampstack-1 is being deployed. When the deployment of the infrastructure is complete, the status changes to lampstack-1 has been deployed.
After the software is installed, a summary of the details for the instance, including the site address, is displayed.

Task 3: Verify your deployment
When the deployment is complete, click the Site address link in the right pane. (If the website is not responding, wait 30 seconds and try again.) If you see a redirection notice, click on that link to view your new site.
Alternatively, you can click Visit the site in the Get started with LAMP Certified by Bitnami section of the page. A new browser tab displays a congratulations message. This page confirms that, as part of the LAMP stack, the Apache HTTP Server is running.

Close the congratulations browser tab.
On the GCP Console, under Get started with LAMP Certified by Bitnami, click SSH.
In a new window, a secure login shell session on your virtual machine appears.

In the just-created SSH window, to change the current working directory to /opt/bitnami, execute the following command:
cd /opt/bitnami
To copy the phpinfo.php script from the installation directory to a publicly accessible location under the web server document root, execute the following command:
sudo sh -c 'echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" > apache2/htdocs/phpinfo.php'
The phpinfo.php script displays your PHP configuration. It is often used to verify a new PHP installation.
To close the SSH window, execute the following command:

Open a new browser tab.
Type the following URL, and replace SITE_ADDRESS with the URL in the Site address field in the right pane of the lampstack page.
A summary of the PHP configuration of your server is displayed.

Close the phpinfo tab.

In this lab, you deployed a LAMP stack to a Compute Engine instance.

1. Qwiklabs

2. Read the Google Cloud Platform documentation on Cloud Marketplace.

3. Google Cloud Certification - Associate Cloud Engineer

最初發表 / 最後更新: 2021.10.11 / 2021.10.11

