Published 11月 08, 2021 by with 0 comment

GSP408 - Troubleshooting Common SQL Errors with BigQuery

BigQuery is Google's fully managed, NoOps, low cost analytics database. With BigQuery you can query terabytes and terabytes of data without having any infrastructure to manage or needing a database administrator. BigQuery uses SQL, and you can take advantage of the pay-as-you-go model. BigQuery allows you to focus on analyzing data to find meaningful insights.

A newly available ecommerce dataset that has millions of Google Analytics records for the Google Merchandise Store has been loaded into BigQuery. You have a copy of that dataset for this lab and will explore the available fields and row for insights.

This lab steps you through the logic of troubleshooting queries. It provides activities within the context of a real-world scenario. Throughout the lab, imagine you're working with a new data analyst on your team, and they've provided you with their queries below to answer some questions on your ecommerce dataset. Use the answers to fix their queries to get a meaningful result.

What you'll do
In this lab, learn how to perform the following tasks:
Query the data-to-insights public dataset
Use the BigQuery Query editor to troubleshoot common SQL errors
Use the Query Validator
Troubleshoot syntax and logical SQL errors

This lab is from Qwiklabs.

Open BigQuery and Pin a project to the Resource tree
1. Click Navigation menu > BigQuery.

The Welcome to BigQuery in the Cloud Console message box opens.

The Welcome to BigQuery in the Cloud Console message box provides a link to the quickstart guide and UI updates.

2. Click Done.

3. BigQuery public datasets are not displayed by default in the BigQuery web UI. To open the public datasets project, open in a new browser window.

4. In the left pane, in the Explorer section, hover over on data-to-insights and click on Click to pin icon.

5. Close this browser window.

6.Return to and refresh the first BigQuery browser window to refresh the BigQuery web UI.

The data-to-insights project is listed in the Explorer section.

BigQuery Code editor
For each activity in the following sections, this lab provides queries with common errors for you to troubleshoot. The lab directs you what to look at and suggests how to correct the syntax and return meaningful results.

To follow along with the troubleshooting and suggestions, copy and paste the query into the BigQuery Query editor. If there are errors, you see a red exclamation point at the line containing the error and in the query validator (bottom corner).

If you run the query with the errors, the query fails and the error is specified in the Job information.

When the query is error free, you see a green checkmark in the query validator. When you see the green checkmark, click Run to run the query to view what you get for results.

For information about syntax, see Standard SQL Query Syntax.

Find the total number of customers who went through checkout
Your goal in this section is to construct a query that gives you the number of unique visitors who successfully went through the checkout process for your website. The data is in the rev_transactions table which your data analyst team has provided. They have also given you example queries to help you get started in your analysis but you're not sure they're written correctly.

Troubleshoot queries that contain query validator, alias, and comma errors
Look at the below query and answer the following question:
SELECT  FROM `data-to-inghts.ecommerce.rev_transactions` LIMIT 1000

What about this updated query?
SELECT * FROM [data-to-insights:ecommerce.rev_transactions] LIMIT 1000

What about this query that uses Standard SQL?
SELECT FROM `data-to-insights.ecommerce.rev_transactions`

What about now? This query has a column.
FROM `data-to-insights.ecommerce.rev_transactions`

What about now? The following query has a page title.
SELECT fullVisitorId hits_page_pageTitle
FROM `data-to-insights.ecommerce.rev_transactions` LIMIT 1000

What about now? The missing comma has been corrected.
  , hits_page_pageTitle
FROM `data-to-insights.ecommerce.rev_transactions` LIMIT 1000

Answer: This returns results, but are you sure visitors aren't counted twice? Also, returning only one row answers the question of how many unique visitors reached checkout. In the next section you find a way to aggregate your results.

Troubleshoot queries that contain logic errors, GROUP BY statements, and wildcard filters
Aggregate the following query to answer the question: How many unique visitors reached checkout?
  , hits_page_pageTitle
FROM `data-to-insights.ecommerce.rev_transactions` LIMIT 1000

What about this? An aggregation function, COUNT(), was added.
COUNT(fullVisitorId) AS visitor_count
, hits_page_pageTitle
FROM `data-to-insights.ecommerce.rev_transactions`

In this next query, GROUP BY and DISTINCT statements were added.
COUNT(DISTINCT fullVisitorId) AS visitor_count
, hits_page_pageTitle
FROM `data-to-insights.ecommerce.rev_transactions`
GROUP BY hits_page_pageTitle


Great! The results are good, but they look strange. Filter to just "Checkout Confirmation" in the results.
COUNT(DISTINCT fullVisitorId) AS visitor_count
, hits_page_pageTitle
FROM `data-to-insights.ecommerce.rev_transactions`
WHERE hits_page_pageTitle = "Checkout Confirmation"
GROUP BY hits_page_pageTitle

List the cities with the most transactions with your ecommerce site
Troubleshoot ordering, calculated fields, and filtering after aggregating errors
Complete the partially written query:
COUNT( DISTINCT fullVisitorId) AS distinct_visitors

Possible solution
SUM(totals_transactions) AS totals_transactions,
COUNT( DISTINCT fullVisitorId) AS distinct_visitors
GROUP BY geoNetwork_city

Possible solution
SUM(totals_transactions) AS totals_transactions,
COUNT( DISTINCT fullVisitorId) AS distinct_visitors
GROUP BY geoNetwork_city
ORDER BY distinct_visitors DESC

Update your query and create a new calculated field to return the average number of products per order by city.

Possible solution
SUM(totals_transactions) AS total_products_ordered,
COUNT( DISTINCT fullVisitorId) AS distinct_visitors,
SUM(totals_transactions) / COUNT( DISTINCT fullVisitorId) AS avg_products_ordered
GROUP BY geoNetwork_city
ORDER BY avg_products_ordered DESC


Filter your aggregated results to only return cities with more than 20 avg_products_ordered.

What's wrong with the following query?

SUM(totals_transactions) AS total_products_ordered,
COUNT( DISTINCT fullVisitorId) AS distinct_visitors,

Possible solution
SUM(totals_transactions) AS total_products_ordered,
COUNT( DISTINCT fullVisitorId) AS distinct_visitors,
SUM(totals_transactions) / COUNT( DISTINCT fullVisitorId) AS avg_products_ordered
GROUP BY geoNetwork_city
HAVING avg_products_ordered > 20
ORDER BY avg_products_ordered DESC

Find the total number of products in each product category
Find the top selling products by filtering with NULL values
What's wrong with the following query? How can you fix it?
SELECT hits_product_v2ProductName, hits_product_v2ProductCategory
FROM `data-to-insights.ecommerce.rev_transactions`

What is wrong with the following query?
COUNT(hits_product_v2ProductName) as number_of_products,
FROM `data-to-insights.ecommerce.rev_transactions`
WHERE hits_product_v2ProductName IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY hits_product_v2ProductCategory
ORDER BY number_of_products DESC

Update the previous query to only count distinct products in each product category.

Possible solution
COUNT(DISTINCT hits_product_v2ProductName) as number_of_products,
FROM `data-to-insights.ecommerce.rev_transactions`
WHERE hits_product_v2ProductName IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY hits_product_v2ProductCategory
ORDER BY number_of_products DESC


(not set) could indicate the product has no category
${productitem.product.origCatName} is front-end code to render the category which may indicate the Google Analytics tracking script is firing before the page is fully-rendered

You troubleshot and fixed broken queries in BigQuery standard SQL. Remember to use the Query Validator for incorrect query syntax but also to be critical of your query results even if your query executes successfully.

1. Qwiklabs

2. Google Cloud Certification - Associate Cloud Engineer

3. Standard SQL Query Syntax

最初發表 / 最後更新: 2021.11.07 / 2021.11.07

