Published 5月 14, 2019 by with 0 comment

1 - Openstack Installation on CentOS 7

1. Download the CentOS 7

2. Using VMWare to install the CentOS7
RAM: 4096MB
CPU need to enable Virtualize
Hard Disk 20GB
NIC * 2

3. After finish CentOS7 installation, using the following command to install Openstack
3a. Become a root
$ su -

3b. Stop the postfix, firewalld and NetworkManager services
# systemctl stop postfix firewalld NetworkManager

3c. Disable the postfix, firewalld and NetworkManager services
# systemctl disable postfix firewalld NetworkManager

3d. Edit /etc/selinux/config file and set SELINUX line from enforcing to disabled.
# setenforce 0
# getenforce
# vi /etc/selinux/config

3e. Enable rdo repositories on CentOS 7
# yum install -y

3f. Update all application
# yum update -y

3g. Shutdown PC and take a snapshot for backup(Very Important!!)
# shutdown -h now

4. Now, trun on the VM power and login again. (you can remote login via SSH)
4a. Become a root and install Packstat package
$ su -
# yum install -y openstack-packstack

4b. Generate an answer file for Packstack with the default OpenStack configurations.
# packstack --gen-answer-file=/root/answer.txt

4c. Edit the generated answer configuration file with vi or other text editor.
# vi answer.txt

4d. Replacing the following parameters in answer.txt
CONFIG_KEYSTONE_ADMIN_PW=your_password  # For Admin Passwword
CONFIG_MARIADB_PW=your_password  # For MARIADB Passwword

4e. Finally start Openstack installation process via the answer file
# packstack --answer-file=/root/answer.txt

5. Install time need 15 - 20 mins and make sure CPU loading cannot high by other process using.

6. Remotely Access OpenStack Dashboard
https://Your CentOS IP/dashboard

1. Openstack Installation on RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 using RDO | OpenStack Tutorial for Beginners

2. How to Install Your Own Cloud Platform with OpenStack in RHEL/CentOS 7

最初發表 / 最後更新: 2019.05.14 / 2019.05.14

