搞了好久 終於把這.net設定檔完成了
我就分享上來 希望對大家有幫助
如果有任何可以改進的地方 也請指點一下
先說明一下 我是安裝在 Fedora 8 x86_64bit上
IntelR Core?2 Duo T7500 (2.2GHz)
RAM: 4GB DDR2 667
不必要的空白行 或 註解(#) 最好都拿掉
#dynamips -H 7200 &
#dynamips -H 7201 &
#dynagen *.net
但個人覺得只是為了克服single process使用記憶體的上限限制
因為經測試後 其實CPU效率沒改善
機器全開後 兩個CPU的效能 都在60%上下
# Define global router parameters for instance 1
workingdir = /opt/dynamips/dynagen-0.10.1/IEWBv40/lab01/workingconfig/
# Specify 3640 IOS image on Linux here:
image = /opt/dynamips/images/c3640-jk.bin
ram = 128
disk0 = 0
disk1 = 0
# Choose an idlepc value from the below
# idlepc = 0x60493564
# idlepc = 0x60505294
idlepc = 0x605ac7b8
mmap = true
ghostios = true
confreg = 0x2102
# Define router instances
[[Router R1]]
model = 3640
console = 2001
autostart = false
slot0 = NM-1FE-TX
slot1 = NM-4T
F0/0 = SW1 F1/1
S1/0 = FRSW 1
# cnfg = /opt/dynamips/dynagen-0.10.1/IEWBv40/lab01/initconfig/iewb-rs-vol2.v4.10.lab1.rack1r1.txt
[[Router R2]]
model = 3640
console = 2002
autostart = false
slot0 = NM-1FE-TX
slot1 = NM-4T
F0/0 = SW2 F1/2
S1/0 = FRSW 2
# cnfg = /opt/dynamips/dynagen-0.10.1/IEWBv40/lab01/initconfig/iewb-rs-vol2.v4.10.lab1.rack1r2.txt
[[Router R3]]
model = 3640
console = 2003
autostart = false
slot0 = NM-4E
slot1 = NM-4T
S1/0 = FRSW 3
S1/1 = FRSW 13
S1/2 = R1 S1/1
S1/3 = R2 S1/1
E0/0 = SW1 F1/3
E0/1 = SW3 F1/3
# cnfg = /opt/dynamips/dynagen-0.10.1/IEWBv40/lab01/initconfig/iewb-rs-vol2.v4.10.lab1.rack1r3.txt
[[Router R4]]
model = 3640
console = 2004
autostart = false
slot0 = NM-4E
slot1 = NM-4T
E0/0 = SW2 F1/4
E0/1 = SW4 F1/4
S1/0 = FRSW 4
S1/1 = R5 S1/1
# cnfg = /opt/dynamips/dynagen-0.10.1/IEWBv40/lab01/initconfig/iewb-rs-vol2.v4.10.lab1.rack1r4.txt
[[Router R5]]
model = 3640
console = 2005
autostart = false
slot0 = NM-4E
slot1 = NM-4T
E0/0 = SW1 F1/5
E0/1 = SW3 F1/5
S1/0 = FRSW 5
# cnfg = /opt/dynamips/dynagen-0.10.1/IEWBv40/lab01/initconfig/iewb-rs-vol2.v4.10.lab1.rack1r5.txt
[[Router R6]]
model = 3640
console = 2006
autostart = false
slot0 = NM-4E
slot1 = NM-4T
E0/0 = SW2 F1/6
E0/1 = SW4 F1/6
S1/0 = FRSW 6
# cnfg = /opt/dynamips/dynagen-0.10.1/IEWBv40/lab01/initconfig/iewb-rs-vol2.v4.10.lab1.rack1r6.txt
[[Router SW1]]
model = 3640
console = 2007
autostart = false
slot1 = NM-16ESW
F1/7 = SW2 F1/7
F1/8 = SW2 F1/8
F1/9 = SW2 F1/9
F1/10 = SW3 F1/7
F1/11 = SW3 F1/8
F1/12 = SW3 F1/9
F1/13 = SW4 F1/7
F1/14 = SW4 F1/8
F1/15 = SW4 F1/9
# cnfg = /opt/dynamips/dynagen-0.10.1/IEWBv40/lab01/initconfig/iewb-rs-vol2.v4.10.lab1.rack1sw1.txt
[[Router SW2]]
model = 3640
console = 2008
autostart = false
slot1 = NM-16ESW
F1/10 = SW3 F1/10
F1/11 = SW3 F1/11
F1/12 = SW3 F1/12
F1/13 = SW4 F1/10
F1/14 = SW4 F1/11
F1/15 = SW4 F1/12
# cnfg = /opt/dynamips/dynagen-0.10.1/IEWBv40/lab01/initconfig/iewb-rs-vol2.v4.10.lab1.rack1sw2.txt
[[Router SW3]]
model = 3640
console = 2009
autostart = false
slot1 = NM-16ESW
F1/13 = SW4 F1/13
F1/14 = SW4 F1/14
F1/15 = SW4 F1/15
# cnfg = /opt/dynamips/dynagen-0.10.1/IEWBv40/lab01/initconfig/iewb-rs-vol2.v4.10.lab1.rack1sw3.txt
[[Router SW4]]
model = 3640
console = 2010
autostart = false
slot1 = NM-16ESW
# cnfg = /opt/dynamips/dynagen-0.10.1/IEWBv40/lab01/initconfig/iewb-rs-vol2.v4.10.lab1.rack1sw4.txt
[[Router BB1]]
model = 3640
console = 2011
autostart = false
slot1 = NM-4T
S1/0 = BB3 S1/0
S1/1 = FRSW 21
# cnfg = /opt/dynamips/dynagen-0.10.1/IEWBv40/BB1_3/bb1.txt
[[Router BB2]]
model = 3640
console = 2012
autostart = false
slot0 = NM-4E
E0/0 = SW2 F1/0
# cnfg = /opt/dynamips/dynagen-0.10.1/IEWBv40/BB1_3/bb2.txt
[[Router BB3]]
model = 3640
console = 2013
autostart = false
slot0 = NM-4E
slot1 = NM-4T
E0/0 = SW3 F1/0
# cnfg = /opt/dynamips/dynagen-0.10.1/IEWBv40/BB1_3/bb3.txt
# R1 to FRSW
1:102 = 2:201
1:103 = 3:301
1:113 = 13:311
1:104 = 4:401
1:105 = 5:501
# R2 to FRSW
2:203 = 3:302
2:213 = 13:312
2:204 = 4:402
2:205 = 5:502
# R3 to FRSW
3:304 = 4:403
3:305 = 5:503
13:314 = 4:413
13:315 = 5:513
# R4 to FRSW
4:405 = 5:504
# R6 to FRSW
6:51 = 21:51
6:100 = 21:100
6:101 = 21:101
6:201 = 21:201
6:301 = 21:301
6:401 = 21:401
最初發表 / 最後更新: 2008.01.26 / 2018.06.05